
2011 University Museum Conference
1st Call for Paper
Date: November11~12 (Fri. ~ Sat.), 2011
Venue: National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Website: http://conf.ncku.edu.tw/~umc2011

Proposals are invited for contributions to the conference, which will be
divided into the following themes:
1. University Museum Group / Network
2. University Museum and Local Community
3. University Museum Management and Promotion
4. University Museum Shop
5. Academic / Culture Creative Merchants
6. University Museum and University Researches
7. University Museum and Teaching

Abstract Submission
Please submit your proposal electronically to Prof. Hengan Chen, at
hengan@mail.ncku.edu.tw. The format of abstract can be downloaded at
conference website: http://conf.ncku.edu.tw/~umc2011.

Important Dates
Abstract Due: June 30, 2011
Abstract Acceptance: July 10, 2011
Paper Due: August 30, 2011
Registration will be started on May16, 2011. Please use Online Registration
System announced on the conference website.

Registration Fee:
1. Regular: US$50 before Aug. 31, 2011; US$60 after Aug. 31, 2011.
2. Student: US$25.

Conference Language
The official language in this conference is English.
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