
2011 University Museum Conference-New Visions of Campus Museums
There are more and more universities noticing the importance and significant roles that campus museums, galleries, or historical rooms can play and contribute in teaching, research, public relationship, and beyond. Moreover, the cultural heritages and museums may become one of the income sources and cultural creative merchants for an academic institute. The relationships among museums and between campus museums and local community are also becoming an important issue for management.
Four distinguished speakers are invited:
Keynote speaker I: Prof. Hugues Dreyssé (France), President of University Museum and Collections.
Keynote speaker II: Prof. Thomas Söderqvist (Denmark), Curator of History of Science and Medicine Museum, University of Copenhagen.
Invited speaker I: Dr. Nor Edzan Che Nasir (Malaysia), Chief Librarian of  University of Malaya Library.
Invited speaker II: Dr. Keng-Hsuan Min (Korea), Director of Korea University Museum.
Three topics will be focused in the conference:
1. New Role and Missions of University Museum
2. New Brand of University Museum
3. New Operation of University Museum

Those who are interested in discussing new ideas, new roles, and new methods about the above issues for university museums, or other academic institutes, are invited to register 2011 University Museum Conference.
Date: November 11-12, 2011
Venue: Lecture Room #3 (B1), International Conference Hall (Kuangfu Campus), National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan R.O.C 國立成功大學光復校區國際會議廳第三演講室
Please use Online Registration System announced on the conference website.
Registration Fee:
1. Regular: US$40 / NTD$ 1200
2. Student: US$20 / NTD$ 600
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